A Day Full of Possibilities

It is not entirely true that I have spent every waking moment since the new year began strapped to a desk chair staring at a computer screen....it just feels that way.

January and February is a time for expanding knowledge which may mean going through an online tutorial or participating in a webinar or exploring that new software that is supposed to make my life easier but right now is making me crazy. It is also a time for housecleaning and since so much of my life lives on the computer, a lot of that housecleaning involves cleaning up, backing up, and reorganizing computer files. Ugh. I have also been putting the finishing touches on a new website that may actually go live by the 1st of March. That is very cool but it is all computer time.

Even the portrait sessions that I have done over the last two months have been brief respites from "virtual reality." For every hour that I spend behind a camera, I can count on three hours sitting at the computer.

Whine, whine, whine.

This morning I walked into my sun washed kitchen full of joy for the new day. It felt like a day full of possibilities and the computer could be put on the back burner. The problem with sun skipping across my kitchen floor is that I could see every bread crumb and fur ball (it is shedding season again.) Major cleaning was the first order of the day. I don't know about you but a clean kitchen really floats my boat!

By 11:00 am I was grabbing my camera, hopping in the car and heading out to photograph some scenic spots in Polk County. There was a beautiful sky today. The clouds came and went highlighting a group of trees here and there, beautiful in their skeletal form. I went to my favorite waterfall. It is a raging torrent, powerful and awesome at this time of year and played with different shutter speeds. The red of a rotting branch, half covered in ivy still with rain drops glistening caught my eye. Then there were the geese sweeping up  en mass and settling down again by the water of Basket Slough.

It was a fine day. I only have one image to show you right now. It will have to be a teaser. You see, processing images involves sitting at a computer and today I have more important things to do.


Unknown said…
Beautiful photo. Nature shots always catch my attention.
Miriam Haugen said…
Thanks, Janice. I will have more soon!