McNary High School Reunion- Salem, Oregon
40 years? You have got to be kidding!
Neil's high school reunion was this summer and a good time was had by all. (He is the handsome devil in the white shirt standing on the right.) The Blues Brothers gave us a command performance and we danced and partied like it was 1971 (well, almost.) Big thanks to Danny Bisgarrd and the crew for putting this all together.
I did not go to McNary (my reunion for West Albany is next year) but this group gets together every five years and have really made me feel welcome.
Will you help us get the word out? We would like you to join McNary Legacy Concert Page so we can start finding more and more singers to join in the fun! Please let us know if we can use your page to continue our search and get folks signed up for the choir and the concert. It also coincides with the Iris Festival, so this will be a perfect weekend for a McNary Reunion!
Thanks for considering and we look forward to hearing from you!
If you have any questions or can help in extra ways…please email Jim Taylor at
Go Celts!!